Learning by doing is over. Today it’s all about learning by visiting. And we’re happy to do that with you. At the Learning & Innovation Center (LINC) in Munich, you experience how the office of the future is developing, across 14,000 m2. Right at the heart of Europe, Steelcase researches new ideas, gains knowledge and refines products and solutions. For Steelcase, LINC is a daily meeting point for managers and employees in the fields of research, design, marketing and support, as well as for customers, retailers and architects. Here, the modern office environment is not only presented, but also authentically used.
Discover exciting solutions for your office project. Get in touch with us and we will organize a tour of the Learning & Innovation Center for you.
All spaces are working prototypes, designed as experiments, where Steelcase can implement its newest ideas and learn what works and what does not, in order to continue to improve workplaces. One of LINC’s tasks is to support a cultural change from the concept of the workplace as simply an “office” to a “creative studio”, and to a choice of working environment according to the task.