The networked world imposes new demands on offices and workplaces. Does your workplace facilitate innovation? Are your offices as versatile as your ideas? Creativity arises from networking. For this reason, an office environment must optimally support the exchange of ideas. Technically and socially. Turning the office environment into an inspiring world of communications.

Welcome to the networked working environment! Computer technologies and their mobile utilization are connecting people virtually. But the more mobile we are with our equipment, the more important other places where we can network and exchange ideas also become.

COMMUNICATION ENVIRONMENTS | Büroeinrichtung - Büroplanung - Innenausbau | WSA

As much as we need technologies, we also need other people. And we need spaces that bring technologies and people together. The office is the place where people and ideas meet. To enable innovations to arise, companies need to be versatile and employees need to be good team-players – and workplaces need to facilitate these qualities. For this reason, what companies and employers need to do is make the office the most exciting place in the world. If offices are successfully configured in such a way that people enjoy spending time in them, feel at ease in them and are open to inspiration, employees will also successfully be turned into sources of inspiration.

The offices and workplaces of today need to bring people and information together. They need to take proper account of the intelligence of people and technology in their configuration and zoning, and they need to facilitate smooth work processes. In order to unfurl strengths and to save energy.

COMMUNICATION ENVIRONMENTS | Büroeinrichtung - Büroplanung - Innenausbau | WSA

In surveys, over 90% of employees state that they find it important to have an office where they can recharge their batteries – for almost 50% of respondents, however, this was an unfulfilled desire.

By making better use of spatial potential, inspiring communication environments can be created. What are needed are meeting places that encourage social exchanges and promote productive working. What are needed are multi-functional spaces and features that reduce distances and expand further developments. And what are needed are zones into which employees can retreat, as the more intensively employees interact and exchange ideas, the more they also need space to retreat. This means the innovative strength and growth of a company will be furthered, and the brand and the corporate culture will be strengthened. This means collective results will be created.

The office of today needs to be a workplace with a large number of possible configurations. At the same time, it also needs to promote direct, personal interaction and exchanges, with open spaces for free thinking. Corporate sustainability depends crucially upon how smoothly employee knowledge can circulate and communicative exchanges can take place. By optimally connecting new media technology and state-of-the-art furnishings, communication boundaries can be overcome and technical and social networking can be further streamlined. In order to enable information and content to be shared simply and easily over large distances, yet at the same time enabling knowledge to be generated in personal discussions. This is how inspiring meeting areas are created.

COMMUNICATION ENVIRONMENTS | Büroeinrichtung - Büroplanung - Innenausbau | WSA

Connect your laptop, share information, interact simply with the local team or by video conference with the whole world. With media:scape, Steelcase offers targeted configurations with a large number of design options. Discover the impressive holistic approach of Steelcase media:scape at WSA in Dietlikon. Tour Switzerland’s most modern office and communication environment, and discover the unique link between showroom and real working environment. Welcome!

COMMUNICATION ENVIRONMENTS | Büroeinrichtung - Büroplanung - Innenausbau | WSA



Invest three hours into the future of your company. The WSA seminar is the ideal preparation for your office project. We present you with a comprehensive, compact and appealing summary of the procedure and the opportunities.