The more intensively people work together, the more important it is for them to have time to spend alone. This means distraction-free moments need to be facilitated, with sufficient time for tasks that require concentration and know-how. Employees need to be able to retreat, in order to relax and recharge their batteries.

Taking a variety of interesting and scientific aspects into account, the article Private Sphere in Crisis describes how the workplace directly impacts the wellbeing and productivity of employees. According to Donna Flynn, Director of the Steelcase research group «WorkSpace Futures», the need for privacy at work and in public is a fundamental part of human nature, as is the need for social interaction. For this reason, the need for greater privacy calls for a new approach to effective workplace design, taking account of all human and corporate aspects. For any company that strives to be innovative and is dedicated to progress, it is crucial to strike the right balance between independent and collective working.

The aim is not to prevent personal cooperation, but instead to further develop the manner in which this is realized. For this reason, Susan Cain, author of the bestseller «Quiet – The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking», recommends that companies do not just provide team offices. Instead, employees should also be given the opportunity to decide for themselves when they interact with other people, and when they want to retreat in order to concentrate
Source: SteelcaseMAGAZINE 360°
In the interim, many jobs focus on cooperation, leaving little time for disruption-free and quiet working. For employees, however, opportunities to retreat are important and have a decisive impact on their motivation as well as on the quality of their work.